
Safety and reliability of the manufactured amusement rides is the result of long-term policy of the company in the field of quality, carried out in accordance with International standards

  • Amusement rides are designed with the consideration of the European safety requirements.

  • Calculation and design of structures and mechanisms are carried out in accordance with ISO 2394, ASTM F1159, DIN 4112 etc. 
  • Strength analysis are carried out with the use of the latest software package MSC•NÀSTRAN for Windows, the developer is MacNeal — Schwendler GmbH, and with the use of other programs.

  • Welding manufacture is certified by the German company RW TUV on compliance to the requirements of the European Standards EN729, DIN 18800–7, DIN 4113, and by the English company Lloyd’s Register on the compliance to the requirements of the American Standard ANSI/AWS D1.1–92 è EN 25817: 1992.

  • The electric equipment is developed with the use of PCAD 7.0. in accordance with the standards IEC 439 (EN 60439). The control system of the electric equipment may be assembled from “Siemens” and “General Electric” component parts.